Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Soo drunk!

My godddddddd! But ima try to type with perfect grammar and all that shizz.. Lol.. And ima go back and correct my spelling etc.. You don't know this but i've already done like 8 typos haha!

My night was sooo gooooood! I went clubbing, the DJ made the guy point a spotlight at me and i was just feeling fucking good!! Haha! And he was saying like "Damn, you girls could learn a few moves from this chick!" i didn't realise til my girl Eleni was like "AHHHH he's talking about you!!" Wooooooooooo!! Alot of other cool shit happened but i'm wayy too lazy to type it... Anyways, my cousin drove us home as he was drunk but got pulled over by the cops and they took him away.. We had to fucken walk!! And i was saying "Fucken cop!! If we get raped and killed it's HIS FAULT!!!" but then we got to a petrol station and called a cab from there.. It was fucked up though.. Cos i had no credit.. My other cousin had no battery and our other friends phone couldn't make calls! It was just baaad luck lol! But we got home in the end.. I felt so drunk when i got home.. I just didn't give 2 shits about anything.. I haven't even slept yet and the sun came up already :O ahhhhhhhhh........ I'ma go to sleeeep soooooooon and it's gonna be the BEST sleeep!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, chaooo..!

Sorry for all the swearing, i don't swear alot.. Except for tonight.. I swore alot.. In a GOOD way though!! :D


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Neno's Award.

Yayy! The beautiful Liz has tagged me with this award thingy! I don't know what it's for exactly but it makes my blog feel cool hehe =] Check out her blog.

Terms & Conditions For the Award Recipient

1. Paste the Award Logo in your blog.

2. Give out the award to 10 Blogs that you feels the most inspired and most friendly.

3. Make sure you back linked the recipients' blogs to your blog.

4. Inform the recipients about the award by leaving them comments on their blog.

5. Give some love to the person who gave you this award.

Ahh, at the moment i don't have many followers (i didn't expect to have any at all!) so i'ma tag the ladies that i already have :)

Monday, May 18, 2009

Miss Tiffany Pageant 2009!

Sorrawee Nattee took first place in this years Miss Tiffany Pageant! For those who don't know what it is- Miss Tiffany's are Transexuals of Thailand :)

You can't even tell they're men! They're soo beautiful!Thailand is not ashamed of their Transexuals :)
"When asked to name her hero, winner Sorrawee earned loud applause by naming her mother and father, and as the evening progressed, cheers for her grew louder and louder as the audience urged their favourite to victory."

Sunday, May 17, 2009

If i could have ANY pokemon..

It'd have to be Eevee! They're my favourite! (although my yahoo address is j.igglypuff) hehe.

But yeah, Eevee is mad coooool! It can evolve into Water/Ice/Dark/Grass Etc.. My god.. Everytime i play Pokemon on my DS, i HAVE to catch a Ponyta or an Eevee!

I sound like a child, but oh well :)

Okay, that's all xD

Saturday, May 16, 2009

OLD NEWS; Man tries to pay bill with spider drawing.

I guess i STILL find this funny :P

Below is the complete email conversation that Adelaide man David Thorne claims he had with a utility company chasing payment of an overdue bill.

From: Jane Gilles
Date: Wednesday 8 Oct 2008 12.19pm
To: David Thorne
Subject: Overdue account

Dear David,

Our records indicate that your account is overdue by the amount of $233.95. If you have already made this payment please contact us within the next 7 days to confirm payment has been applied to your account and is no longer outstanding.

Yours sincerely, Jane Gilles

From: David Thorne
Date: Wednesday 8 Oct 2008 12.37pm
To: Jane Gilles
Subject: Re: Overdue account

Dear Jane,
I do not have any money so am sending you this drawing I did of a spider instead. I value the drawing at $233.95 so trust that this settles the matter.

Regards, David.

From: Jane Gilles
Date: Thursday 9 Oct 2008 10.07am
To: David Thorne
Subject: Overdue account

Dear David,
Thankyou for contacting us. Unfortunately we are unable to accept drawings as payment and your account remains in arrears of $233.95. Please contact us within the next 7 days to confirm payment has been applied to your account and is no longer outstanding.

Yours sincerely, Jane Gilles

From: David Thorne
Date: Thursday 9 Oct 2008 10.32am
To: Jane Gilles
Subject: Re: Overdue account

Dear Jane,
Can I have my drawing of a spider back then please.

Regards, David.

From: Jane Gilles
Date: Thursday 9 Oct 2008 11.42am
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Overdue account

Dear David,
You emailed the drawing to me. Do you want me to email it back to you?

Yours sincerely, Jane Gilles

From: David Thorne
Date: Thursday 9 Oct 2008 11.56am
To: Jane Gilles
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Overdue account

Dear Jane,

Yes please.

Regards, David.

From: Jane Gilles
Date: Thursday 9 Oct 2008 12.14pm
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Overdue account


From: David Thorne
Date: Friday 10 Oct 2008 09.22am
To: Jane Gilles
Subject: Whose spider is that?

Dear Jane, Are you sure this drawing of a spider is the one I sent you? This spider only has seven legs and I do not feel I would have made such an elementary mistake when I drew it.

Regards, David.

From: Jane Gilles
Date: Friday 10 Oct 2008 11.03am
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Whose spider is that?

Dear David, Yes it is the same drawing. I copied and pasted it from the email you sent me on the 8th. David your account is still overdue by the amount of $233.95. Please make this payment as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely, Jane Gilles

From: David Thorne
Date: Friday 10 Oct 2008 11.05am
To: Jane Gilles
Subject: Automated Out of Office Response

Thankyou for contacting me. I am currently away on leave, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Regards, David.

From: David Thorne
Date: Friday 10 Oct 2008 11.08am
To: Jane Gilles
Subject: Re: Re: Whose spider is that?

Hello, I am back and have read through your emails and accept that despite missing a leg, that drawing of a spider may indeed be the one I sent you. I realise with hindsight that it is possible you rejected the drawing of a spider due to this obvious limb ommission but did not point it out in an effort to avoid hurting my feelings. As such, I am sending you a revised drawing with the correct number of legs as full payment for any amount outstanding. I trust this will bring the matter to a conclusion.

Regards, David.

From: Jane Gilles
Date: Monday 13 Oct 2008 2.51pm
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Whose spider is that?

Dear David, As I have stated, we do not accept drawings in lei of money for accounts outstanding. We accept cheque, bank cheque, money order or cash. Please make a payment this week to avoid incurring any additional fees.

Yours sincerely, Jane Gilles

From: David Thorne
Date: Monday 13 Oct 2008 3.17pm
To: Jane Gilles
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Whose spider is that?

I understand and will definately make a payment this week if I remember. As you have not accepted my second drawing as payment, please return the drawing to me as soon as possible. It was silly of me to assume I could provide you with something of completely no value whatsoever, waste your time and then attach such a large amount to it.

Regards, David.

From: Jane Gilles
Date: Tuesday 14 Oct 2008 11.18am
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Whose spider is that?


LMFAO ahaha! This dude is cracked, had me rolling after he stuck an extra leg on the spider ahahahaa! xD

Saturday, May 9, 2009

My bf is such a cutie!

He went to the shops to cut his hair and comes home with a mouse.. LMAO i was like WTF baby.. He said his cousin wanted a mouse but changed his mind after my bf bought it for him. Lol, they're both gronks! I'll never leave them alone ever again hahahaha and since tomorrow is Mother's Day.. He asked me what he should draw for his mum.. And i'm like.. I ono.. Flowers? Teddy bear? and he's like "Okay"............... He ends up drawing a character called "Ichigo" off the anime "Bleach".... One of him turning into a DEMON...... For Mother's Day........ O_O he's so immature.. But i love him anyways <3 :]

Black and white.

I rarely make my pix BnW, but ima start doing it more often. Haha!

At work..

I work at a Thai restaurant with some old Thai people.. And there's this one lil old woman who cuts the veges and washes the dishes.. She's so freakin cute! The way she talks haha omg.. It's so fobby and she's so random.. Like she's asking me if i want something to 'TEK away' and i'm like yea anything.. And she gets back to doing her business.. And out of no where she's like "Tek away.. TEKnology (technology)" lmao ahaha it's just funny to me, i find stuff like this hilarious, fobby people make me laugh the hardest!

I love fobby people <3

Sunday, May 3, 2009

He asked me to watch football for him..

And i'm bored as hell!! How can a man sit in front of the T.V and watch.... Sports.... It's so boring... Guys are confusing species.. Thank god i can switch in between Spongebob and this crap!! yayy!! xD